Sunday, November 2, 2008

This week in Primary I learned . . .

the chairs on the stand in the chapel are not designed for children.

The primary program is coming up so today we had to practice. Although we teach the 10 year old Valiants the primary pres had me sit with the rather larger 6-year-old class. Rather larger and rowdier, I should say. To be fair, 2 hours is a long time to sit folded up like a taco in a big red chair. This is probably why most of the practice I watched 6-year-olds shoot up and down like popcorn in an airpopper.

It has been a fun experience. It has especially been nice for Juliet since primary kids tend to be more tolerant of a crazy one-year-old than the relief society ever was. And of course kids have a different spirit than adults do. It's been nice to be in such a worry-free environment. The last thing on a primary kids mind is the economy, or the up-coming election (unless their 4th grade teacher decides to ruin their voting lives by running a mock election). It has been refreshing. We'll see how long that feeling lasts!

1 comment:

Amy Daniel said...

I agree. I teach the 10 year olds as well. But I think I have a freakishly weird and over-developed class because last week we did talk about politics. They wanted to know who I voted for and what I thought about the election. Thankfully their teachers haven't been able to brain wash them correctly and they were basing their oppinions from what their parents have told them.